Stochastic Models for the Inference of Life Evolution

Jean-Jil Duchamps

Phd Student

Jean-Jil has done a Master internship in spring 2016 and finished his PhD on trees within trees under Amaury's supervision in January 2020. He is now Assistant Professor in Mathematics at Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon).

Visit Jean-Jil Duchamps's webpage.


Duchamps, J., Foutel-Rodier, F., Schertzer, E. (2021)
General epidemic models: law of large numbers and contact tracing
Foutel-Rodier, F., Blanquart, F., Courau, P., Czuppon, P., Duchamps, J., Gamblin, J., Kerdoncuff, E., Kulathinal, R., Régnier, L., Vuduc, L., Lambert, A., Schertzer, E. (2020)
From individual-based epidemic models to mckendrick-von foerster pdes: a guide to modeling and inferring covid-19 dynamics
Bienvenu, F., Duchamps, J., Foutel-Rodier, F. (2019)
The moran forest
Duchamps, J. (2019)
Fragmentations with self-similar branching speeds
Duchamps, J., Lambert, A. (2018)
Mutations on a random binary tree with measured boundary
Ann. Appl. Probab. 28 2141-2187
Blancas, A., Duchamps, J., Lambert, A., Siri-Jégousse, A. (2018)
Trees within trees: simple nested coalescents
Electron. J. Probab. 1-27
Duchamps, J. (2018)
Trees within trees ii: nested fragmentations
Duchamps, J., Pitman, J., Tang, W. (2017)
Renewal sequences and record chains related to multiple zeta sums
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society