Stochastic Models for the Inference of Life Evolution

Miraine Dávila Felipe

Phd Student

Miraine was a math PhD student, co-supervized by Amaury and Bernard Cazelles, supported by a grant from Région Île-de-France (RDM-IdF). She is interested in the stochastic modelling of population dynamics, in particular the application of phylogenetic methods to epidemiology. She defended her PhD in Dec 2016. She is now Assistant Professor in Mathematics at Université de Technologie de Compiègne.

Visit Miraine Dávila Felipe's webpage.


Dávila Felipe, M., Lambert, A. (2018)
Branching processes seen from their extinction time via path decompositions of reflected lévy processes
Electronic Journal of Probability 23
Clémençon, S., Cousien, A., Dávila Felipe, M., Tran, V. (2015)
On computer-intensive simulation and estimation methods for rare-event analysis in epidemic models
Statistics in Medicine 34 3696-3713
Dávila Felipe, M., Lambert, A. (2015)
Time reversal dualities for some random forests
ALEA Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 12 399-426