Stochastic Models for the Inference of Life Evolution


Author = {Ferretti, Luca and Bianconi, Ginestra},
Title = {Dynamics of condensation in growing complex networks},
Journal = {Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft
Matter Physics},
Volume = {78},
Number = {5 Pt 2},
Pages = {056102},
abstract = {A condensation transition was predicted for growing
technological networks evolving by preferential
attachment and competing quality of their nodes, as
described by the fitness model. When this condensation
occurs, a node acquires a finite fraction of all the
links of the network. Earlier studies based on
steady-state degree distribution and on the mapping to
Bose-Einstein condensation were able to identify the
critical point. Here we characterize the dynamics of
condensation and we present evidence that below the
condensation temperature there is a slow down of the
dynamics and that a single node (not necessarily the
best node in the network) emerges as the winner for
very long times. The characteristic time t;\{*\} at
which this phenomenon occurs diverges both at the
critical point and at T--{\textgreater}0 when new links
are attached deterministically to the highest quality
node of the network.},
issn = {1539-3755},
language = {eng},
month = nov,
pmid = {19113185},
year = 2008