Stochastic Models for the Inference of Life Evolution

Preferential attachment in growing spatial networks

Ferretti, L., Cortelezzi, M.

Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics


We obtain the degree distribution for a class of growing network models on flat and curved spaces. These models evolve by preferential attachment weighted by a function of the distance between nodes. The degree distribution of these models is similar to that of the fitness model of Bianconi and Barabási, with a fitness distribution dependent on the metric and the density of nodes. We show that curvature singularities in these spaces can give rise to asymptotic Bose-Einstein condensation, but transient condensation can be observed also in smooth hyperbolic spaces with strong curvature. We provide numerical results for spaces of constant curvature (sphere, flat, and hyperbolic space) and we discuss the conditions for the breakdown of this approach and the critical points of the transition to distance-dominated attachment. Finally, we discuss the distribution of link lengths.


Author = {Ferretti, Luca and Cortelezzi, Michele},
Title = {Preferential attachment in growing spatial networks},
Journal = {Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft
Matter Physics},
Volume = {84},
Number = {1 Pt 2},
Pages = {016103},
abstract = {We obtain the degree distribution for a class of
growing network models on flat and curved spaces. These
models evolve by preferential attachment weighted by a
function of the distance between nodes. The degree
distribution of these models is similar to that of the
fitness model of Bianconi and Barabási, with a fitness
distribution dependent on the metric and the density of
nodes. We show that curvature singularities in these
spaces can give rise to asymptotic Bose-Einstein
condensation, but transient condensation can be
observed also in smooth hyperbolic spaces with strong
curvature. We provide numerical results for spaces of
constant curvature (sphere, flat, and hyperbolic space)
and we discuss the conditions for the breakdown of this
approach and the critical points of the transition to
distance-dominated attachment. Finally, we discuss the
distribution of link lengths.},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016103},
issn = {1550-2376},
language = {eng},
month = jul,
pmid = {21867253},
year = 2011

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