Stochastic Models for the Inference of Life Evolution

Characterization of the meiosis-specific recombinase Dmc1 of pneumocystis

Kutty, G., Achaz, G., Maldarelli, F., Varma, A., Shroff, R., Becker, S., Fantoni, G., Kovacs, J. A.

The Journal of Infectious Diseases


The life cycle of Pneumocystis, which causes life-threatening pneumonia in immunosuppressed patients, remains poorly defined. In the present study, we have identified and characterized an orthologue of dmc1, a gene specific for meiotic recombination in yeast, in 3 species of Pneumocystis. dmc1 is a single-copy gene that is transcribed as ∼1.2-kb messenger RNA, which encodes a protein of 336-337 amino acids. Pneumocystis Dmc1 was 61\%-70\% identical to those from yeast. Confocal microscopy results indicated that the expression of Dmc1 is primarily confined to the cyst form of Pneumocystis. By sequence analysis of 2 single-copy regions of the human Pneumocystis jirovecii genome, we can infer multiple recombination events, which are consistent with meiotic recombination in this primarily haploid organism. Taken together, these studies support the occurrence of a sexual phase in the life cycle of Pneumocystis.


Author = {Kutty, Geetha and Achaz, Guillaume and Maldarelli,
Frank and Varma, Ashok and Shroff, Robert and Becker,
Steven and Fantoni, Giovanna and Kovacs, Joseph A.},
Title = {Characterization of the meiosis-specific recombinase
{Dmc}1 of pneumocystis},
Journal = {The Journal of Infectious Diseases},
Volume = {202},
Number = {12},
Pages = {1920--1929},
abstract = {The life cycle of Pneumocystis, which causes
life-threatening pneumonia in immunosuppressed
patients, remains poorly defined. In the present study,
we have identified and characterized an orthologue of
dmc1, a gene specific for meiotic recombination in
yeast, in 3 species of Pneumocystis. dmc1 is a
single-copy gene that is transcribed as ∼1.2-kb
messenger RNA, which encodes a protein of 336-337 amino
acids. Pneumocystis Dmc1 was 61\%-70\% identical to
those from yeast. Confocal microscopy results indicated
that the expression of Dmc1 is primarily confined to
the cyst form of Pneumocystis. By sequence analysis of
2 single-copy regions of the human Pneumocystis
jirovecii genome, we can infer multiple recombination
events, which are consistent with meiotic recombination
in this primarily haploid organism. Taken together,
these studies support the occurrence of a sexual phase
in the life cycle of Pneumocystis.},
doi = {10.1086/657414},
issn = {1537-6613},
language = {eng},
month = dec,
pmcid = {PMC3058675},
pmid = {21050123},
year = 2010

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